These Ideas Are Really, Really Bad!

On our Podcast, smart business leaders dissect and revamp comically bad business ideas.

Have a Bad Idea of your own you'd like to see on the show?

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About Bad Ideas Podcast

Welcome to "Bad Ideas," the podcast where business leaders dissect and revamp comically bad business ideas. While we're all familiar with amazing products and services, due to their often global success, we never get to see the creative work that goes into bringing them to market. Our mission in Bad Ideas is to use a simple, entertaining concept to let you inside the 'idea' room, and listen into the type of creative thinking that sometimes leads to really big wins.

This launch is really an experiment. If you enjoy the show, shoot us a bad idea in the form above. Our promise is to keep producing episodes as long as listeners are sending us some fun material to work with.  Show us what you got!

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Meet the Host

Nick is a career entrepreneur who got his start by driving growth for three venture-backed startups. He's now known across his network as the guy to call when you want to start something new. So as silly as some of these conversations get, the show is actually a pretty real reflection of the type of work he does with companies around the world every day.

His mission in creating this podcast is to help entrepreneurs and business leaders open their minds to alternative paths to success. At his core, he believes that almost anything can work if it delivers enough value to the end customer.

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